Monday, October 4, 2010

mortality and other stories.

i was reading recently a website that documents the last meals of every person who has been executed in the u.s. since 2006 (there's another site that documents since capital punishment BEGAN, but i can't seem to locate that one).
i find it fascinating that there's a food bucket-list of sorts right before you're going to be killed for a crime. it's like putting someone in a comfortable chair right before you shoot them. i find it even more fascinating what people chose as their meals.

many people declined eating anything.
then there were people like mauriceo brown.

he asked for: 15 enchiladas with heavy cheese and onions, onion rings or fries, 8 pieces of fried chicken and 8 pieces of BBQ chicken, 8 whole peppers, 10 hard shell tacos with plenty of meat, cheese, onions and sauce, 4 double meat-double cheese-double bacon burgers, a boneless t-bone steak with A1 sauce and a pan of peach cobbler.

by the way, some states have a $15 limit for your last meal. so now its like sitting in a comfortable chair that breaks in 15 minutes.

its interesting to see true elements of character emerge when death is coming.
how do people act when they sense death is near?
how is it different when you know death is near?


Mersault said...

oh my. this was real fascinating. iwant to check out the last meal thing

Ruth from California said...

As a lover of food I have often pondered about my choice for a last meal. It changes constantly, I think the $15 limit really puts a damper on my choices of a perfect last meal...

Hi Brean, I'm Ruth, your mom's childhood friend.
I wanted to tell you at Jessica's funeral how much I loved your eulogy to your uncle David... and since your mom is not on facebook I was looking to connect with you and found your blog )

I was reading a couple of entries/posts on your blog and I was cracking up.. they took me back to conversations with your mom many years ago..